Saturday, 26 October 2013


This is what part of my weekend consisted of. I got a reading done for me. I believe highly in energies, positive and negative, the idea of karma where what you give you also receive. In the words of my card reader "The universe is fair". I have always been curious as to how a card reading would go, since the principal behind it is ask the question and send out the energies for the answer and the cards will answer, a way to communicate with the universal energies so to speak.Even though I am someone who is a believer in energies and the wonderful ethereal side of life, even I was taken with how the reading came out, it spoke so clearly of things that I have experienced and overcome in my life. Safe to say that I was 'Wowed'.
This was a very exciting experience for me as it has opened my mind up even more to energies and how they affect so much and how we can use them to help each other and ourselves to become better. 
Along with the reading I was given a couple DVDs to watch the first being "The Celestine Prophecy" and once again WOW, definitely worth a watch or you could read the book that the movie is based on, for anyone who is interested.
So last words of wisdom, learn to be open to new experiences, sometimes you will discover a whole new world that you didn't even know that you were missing.

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